Book Events & Signings
Recommended Reads
Book Club & Discussions
Read By The Sea Festival
About The Bookstore
Hanna's Books is a small-town bookstore that offers visitors a slice of authentic Nova Scotia life through its array of books on local topics.
We specialize in titles with a Maritime or Atlantic theme including history, gardening and cooking.
We also stock a wide selection of fiction from Maritime authors, and are proud to support our local talent by sponsoring regular book signings and readings. The Read By The Sea literary festival is the highlight of our book event calendar each year.
In addition to this Maritime focus, we also have excellent sections with children's books, lively political titles, and health and inspiration topics.
Special Orders Can't find what you're looking for on the shelf? We would be happy to special order any book for you. We can even deliver it to your doorstep if you choose. Our delivery area runs from Pugwash to Pictou and south as far as Truro.