Book Club & Discussions
We run an irreverent and informal book club that meets once a month for good conversation and lots of fun and laughter. Our purpose is to stay in tune with current events in the literary world while also exploring older works.
We have only one rule: come with an open mind and a willingness to share your opinion. Our group encourages a wide variety of editor audio gratuito, and it's rare that we all agree. Our different perspectives make for some lively and interesting evenings!
What We Read We read fiction, non-fiction and poetry from a variety of authors. Sometimes we focus on local talent; other months we read international works. Any book club member may suggest a book so if you have a favourite, come out and tell us about it.
To make our book selections as accessible and affordable as possible, we try to choose books that can easily be had at a local library or that can be brought into the store in a low-cost (usually paperback) format.
What We Discuss Our discussions are very loose and unstructured. Sometimes a member will bring suggested questions from a book club guide but most of the time we simply share our thoughts and ideas, following the conversation wherever it leads.
When & Where We Meet The book club meets once a month from September through April. The exact date varies depending on the schedules of the members for that month. The location is always the home of the person who suggested the book.
 Discussing The Pagan Christ by Tom Harpur, January 2008.
JOIN US! Next meeting: May 29, 2008 7 pm
Location: Brule Shore Book Selection: Quintet by Douglas Brown
Available at your local library or at Hanna's Books. Mention the book club for a 20% discount.
For more info: Call us at the bookstore 1-800-717-6523